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Thursday, April 24, 2008

In The Begining

Cathy sent an email about the wedding picture album. They had visited the studio in Beijing and picked a package for themselves. But the price for our album is 10 times more expensive than what the studio originally quoted because we didn't take the pictures at the studio. David and I decided to do the album later, when we have time to shop around in Beijing. It's just expensive to try it without knowing what the album would look like. Cathy said Annabelle and Richard's mom were sick in Beijing. They've been to the hospitals twice already! I can imagine the hassle of taking care of two sick people at a place far from home. I pray that they will be healthy and have fun for the rest of the vacation!

The hospital bill came in. That reminded me of my medical insurance. When I picked my insurance, I thought I would only see the doctor once or twice a year for checkups. But now, things changed. I hope there is a way to change my plan, although it's not very likely.

David's reader couldn't come to the Friendspeak. We decided to go to the IMPACT fellowship across the street from us. Matt Martza just started the series on God's creation. The video was very short, but very powerful! It was my first time (David saw it before) to hear the voices of the astronauts in Apollo 8th reading Genesis 1 across the space to the whole world!!! They were the smartest of the scientists and all they could say and do when they were in the space was to read Genesis 1 on God's creation! In the begining, God created the heavens and the earth ... My eyes were in tears! Our God is great!

After the class, David and I talked about using movies and videos in our Friendspeak teaching. We talked about that before. But we'd really like to implement that soon! Video + Text are powerful! David said that we are all farmers with unlimited supply of the seeds from God. We either plant the seeds or water the plant. Farmers are our occupation! I have seen how much David enjoys the vegetable garden; And I saw how much he enjoys farming on people. He is a good farmer!

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