Then may I look with joy and not regret
There will be a time to concentrate on service outside my home
On visiting the sick, the bereaved, the discouraged, the untaught;
To give myself to the "least of these."
There will be a time to look back and know that these years of motherhood were not wasted
I pray there will be a time to see him an upright and an honest woman, loving God and serving all
God, give me the wisdom to see that today is my day with my children
That there is no unimportant moment in their lives.
May I know that no other career is so precious
No other work so rewarding, no other task so urgent.
May I not defer it nor neglect it
But by thy Spirit accept it gladly, joyously, and by thy grace realize
That the time is short and my time is now,
For children won't wait!
Fun Birthday fact from
Your Due Date Is Monday, November 17, 2008
Your conception date was most likely Monday, February 25, 2008 You are in Week 22 of your pregnancy and your baby is 20 weeks old. Why is this? Your Third Trimester will begin 8/18/2008 152 days down, 128 to go!
The above information is based on a LMP date of 2/11/2008 and a 28 day cycle. Use a different date: LMP or Birth / Due Date
Fun Birthday Facts
Your baby's birthstone will be Yellow Topaz (Fidelity)
Your baby's Astrological Sign will be Scorpio
Your baby's Flower is Chrysanthemum or Chrysanthemum (Dark Blue, Red and Yellow)
Your baby will be born in the Chinese Year of The Rat
This time next year your baby will be 34 Weeks Old!
Your baby will start kindergarten in 2014, be old enough to drive a car in 2024, finish high school in 2027, and will graduate from college with the class of 2031, give or take a year.
Can you imagine?

We had a very busy day today. David and I went to Amy Browne (a long time friend of David's friend)'s grandfather's funeral at 10:00am. It was nice for me to meet Amy, Jake, and Davis. Amy's husband Hollis couldn't be there because of a job internview. The funeral was short and sweet. I found that her grandfather favors RT Tyler's appearance. And they had lots of common personalities too.
After the funeral, we had lunch at Golden Corral. Mrs. Alice called and invited us to her house in the afternoon. We ran to Target to return some gifts. Then we drove to Sue's apartment to pick up some of her stuff. We saw Sue at Presbyteria Dallas. She just had a leg surgery. We visited for an hour before heading for Alice's place.
Alice just came home from a shower. She was cooking dinner when we got there. She needed us to send some pictures to her friend. I mentioned that I lost my favorite piano CD. She told me that I could take the same CD I made her a couple of years ago after a dinner party. I was so happy that I could make a copy from her CD! We worked on the computer for a while. Then had the dinner. The dinner was delicious! Alice gave me the recipes for the potato soup, sweet pickle, and salad dressing. I'll have to try them at home!
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