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Monday, March 24, 2008

When Did This Happen

David and I tried to figure out when the baby was conceived. We traced back to the time when Bill Kidd, our dear friend who married us, passed away in a hunting accident. Also it was around the Chinese New Year. When we mourned the loss of our dear friend, we didn't have any idea that a new life was forming at the same time!

Bill was the kind of man that all of us young Christians look up to. David and I met him and his wife Owana from Friendspeak. We hit off the first day we met. Since then, we had countless dinners, parties, concerts together. When I asked him to do our wedding, he ran to the phone, laughing and leaping from the garage. What I remember about him were the 100 times wedding ceremony he performed in front of his TV (he joked that he married Owana 100 times); the many delicious dinners followed by the hearty talks; the Banjo performance he started in his 80s; the medical mission trips he made to Cambodia; his life in the Northwest ministering to the local Indians; his plan to take his granddaughter to China this summer; his calls to David to discuss how to effectively study with his Friendspeak readers; his love for his readers that he helped them to move when he was 82 years old himself ... I thought about his "eager to listen" face; I thought about his gentle voice and warm hand; I thought about his prayer for our marriage before our wedding; I thought about what he joked about the most important words for a husband were "Yes Dear"... We will miss Bill. The loss is irreplaceable. But I looked at my tommy with greater joy and hope. A set of new feet will follow! I told David that I wish our child will be like my dear husband - kind, gentle, loving, handsome, friendly, compassionate, motivated, wise, diligient, disciplined, spontaneous, and having a wonderful heart for God. He always says "He/she will climb higher!"

Peng called during the lunch. She has the same due month as mine. It was great to have someone to experience the same thing and to encourage each other. Fang called after work to share her experience and give me some advices. Amy emailed that she was tired too during her early pregnancy. That made me feel better for not doing things. I'm so grateful for their love and care toward me!

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