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Friday, March 28, 2008

A Day of Rest

I took another sick day today just to gather my strength. Maryann called that the dinner party tomorrow night was rescheduled due to her back pain. Fang called before noon to check on me. David and I are so thankful for Fang and Fred, for their genuine care. David bought grocery and came home during the lunch hour. I was worried that all these responsibilities would pull him down. Before he left for work, he grabbed the book Perspectives:" I haven't prepared for the devotional for tonight!" He hasn't had any time to do that these days. But I'm very confident that he will do a great job leading the devotional and the training for our LST team, even with little or no preparation.

I did the laudry and went to bed. Finally I finished reading the book "Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret". I shed lots of tears as I read - sometimes I thought I needed to put the book down, for my baby's sake. But those tears were good tears. I was so touched by the difficulties, persecutions and sacrifices the early missionaries experienced. David asked me many times while I was reading the book:" What is Hudson Taylor's spiritual secret?" After reading it, I summarized it into:"Abiding in Christ; Amazing faith; and drinking deeply". Comparing myself to him, I saw how little I pray and how little I read the Bible. Under extremely difficult situations and overwhelming responsibilities in China, Hudson Taylor spent average two hours each day in prayers and he read through the whole Bible 40 times in 40 years!

David went to the China trip training after he came home. I stayed at home resting. I prayed that the training will be encouraging to everyone! Robert and Gail bought a new SUV. He will take his four years old SUV to us tomorrow. Yeah! We'll have a new SUV tomorrow!

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