Last Thursday night, we had the accountability group meeting. It was a wonderful time to catch up with the girls, especially that was the last meeting before Kyri's Charlie is born. September 4th, another princess will say "hello" to the world! David read with Mike at home. When I got home, I noticed that he already cleaned the house and wiped the kitchen floor. What a husband!
We got word this morning that Granny passed away sometime between 11:00pm last night and early this morning. The funeral details are pending. As David said, "Granny went fast. But she lived a long and good life!" It's such a pity that Emily doesn't have a chance to see her. But I'm sure Emily will hear about her great Granny's stories constantly.

Friday, Amy and Kendall drove over during the lunch time. David and I got off work at 3:00pm. Then we headed off to Tulsa. It was a treat for us to ride with Chloe all the way. She was such a good girl. The only activitites that she did during the four-hour ride were: laughing, sleeping, eating, touching, and biting her toys. She got excited everytime she saw Presley. It was so cute to watch her reaching out her arms to Presley and waiting Presley to pick her up! We arrived Tulsa at around 8:30pm. Dad came home from the hospital at around 9. Granny didn't do well.
Saturday morning we all went to the hospital to see Granny. She was more sick than we thought. David didn't feel well either. We rested after coming back from the hospital.
Sunday we decided to see Granny in the morning. To our surprise, the doctor took off the life support. Granny could breathe on her own! We all had our hope up that she's going to get over this and come home for Thanksgiving! Since Granny was doing better, we left after lunch. David had his early birthday before we came back to Dallas.
Monday is the Labor Day. David still didn't feel 100 percent well. We mainly rested and messed around in the house. Dad said Granny was moved out of the ICU and she was doing better.
Today is David's birthday! Happy Birthday Sweetheart! Dad, Amy, Robert C., etc. called him to say Happy Birthday. David went to work for half a day. But he still didn't feel well. So he came back home to rest. Hope he will feel better soon! This year, I didn't do anything special for my sweetheart. Nothing I do can really express my feelings to him. To me, he is a spiritual leader who reads Bible everyday and discusses what he learned with me during the meal; he is a loving husband who uses himself as the body pillow when we stayed at Dad's house without a body pillow and rubs my feet all the time; he is my best friend who gets up to guide me to the restroom in the darkness and takes me back to bed after I come out; he is a loving father who talks to Emily and plays piano for her all the time before we meet her; he reads the baby books whenever he has time and studies Chinese diligiently; he is an enthusiastic cheerleader who always advocates and supports my decisions; he is a cheerful giver who always gives his time, encouragement, and material things to others ... I am the luckiest wife in the world! I can't imagine where I would be without him. He is making difference each day in my world!
We got word this morning that Granny passed away sometime between 11:00pm last night and early this morning. The funeral details are pending. As David said, "Granny went fast. But she lived a long and good life!" It's such a pity that Emily doesn't have a chance to see her. But I'm sure Emily will hear about her great Granny's stories constantly.
I'm so sorry about David's granny.
Sorry to hear about y'alls loss.
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