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Monday, March 8, 2010

Two Goals before May

Last week marked the end of the working mom. Our thoughtful co-workers had a going-away lunch for me at Marcoroni Grills. Thirty plus people came to the lunch. We reminiscented how fast these ten years has been and how much changes we went through. In the end, they presented me an 8 in. digital photo frame and a basket of beach/garden toys for Emily. What a sweet sendoff!

My 1-hour glocose test failed again. I didn't realize that Carbohydrates actually played a big role in it. It's time to cut off noodles! Hopefully I'll maintain a good diet for the next couple of months. Two other goals for the next two months are: helping Emily to feed herself with spoons and forks; and getting Emily potty trained. Both tasks are not easy for us. But I'm not intimidated to try. Look, Emily is already eager to tackle them.

First step: climbing unto the toilet stool

Second, turn around.
Third, try to sit on it

Last, flush and all done!

It's funny to see how Emily holds spoons though. She always grab the end of the spoon. When she finally got food in the mouth, half of it already ended up on the chair or floor. We started the spoons with yogurt since it's easier to stick onto the spoon:

Then we tried other food:
I have to fight the urge to help her and to keep the eating area clean. She's still not good at shoveling the food and leveling the spoons. Hopefully she'll get it soon with more practice.
We had a few days of nice weather here. David couldn't wait to start his garden. On Saturday he got all the seeds and containers out and planted some peppers, tomatos, pumpkins, and onions. We guessed the weather may get worse again before the end of April. Hope these seeds will grow out strong.

I bought a used kitchen toy for Emily last year (for $5). We just took it out for her to play. She loved it! Here's her putting the potato chips in the microwave and getting ice cubes out of the freezer...

Like all other babies, Emily loves to play Peekaboo. This is a video of her after bath:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Adorable - I bet Emily will achieve those goals. She should be in the accountability group and email her goals out - just kidding!