“Mother–what name has more thrilling associations than that of mother? From her we learned first to lisp a yet dearer name. By her watchful care were we kept from harm. Through many a dark night she watched our couch with tearful eyes, and without weariness she was swift to minister to every want, and by sweet and almost insensible influences she drew us from the ways of sin and led our feet into paths of righteousness and peace. Before our minds could grasp their meaning, simple formulas were fixed in our memories which should afterwards prove lights to guide our steps aright.
Awake, she taught us; and asleep, her form bent over us while in prayer she commended us to God…and taught our infant lips to lisp the name of ‘Our Father, which art in Heaven’.
And when the first fruits of this untiring vigilance appeared, how gladly did they clasp their new born children in their arms, and praise the Lord who had heard their prayers.
Who can estimate the influence, though unseen, that a mother’s instruction and example still exert? She follows him through the course of every day, and in every temptation her prayers surround him like a shield. Her bright example too, though not now seen, is remembered, and by it ‘She allures to brighter worlds and leads the way’.” ~Hugh A. White
From that, I saw a mother wholly devoted to bringing up children whose first affection is the Lord Jesus. What a wise mother! Lord, please make me like her … because once a child has been taught to “Seek first the Kingdom“, all else in earth and heaven will be given to him. Psalm 128:3 says:" Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table. " Deuteronomy 32:11 says:" like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them on its pinions". What a high calling to all us mothers! Looking at my sweet child's beautiful face, I still can't believe she is mine. Often times I wished my eyes were the video camera that could download all the precious moments and save them forever so that I could replay again and again in the future. What a blessing it will be to see her and our soon-to-be-born little guy's sweet faces everyday as I do my job!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. "(Jeremiah 29:11). Thank you Lord for reminding me again of the previlige you gave me and of your faithful love! Please help me to be the mother You want me to be.
Love this post Wendy - very inspirational! Praying that all goes well with the transition.
What exciting changes coming up, I'll be praying all goes smoothly. You're a wonderful mother
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