We continue experiencing God's blessings each every day. The recent Haiti earthquake shaked our hearts for those who lost their personal possessions, loved ones, or treatured hope. David wrote out a check Friday night for the Haiti contribution. Saturday he joined other church members for a day of fast. At the same time, we contacted a person on Craigslist to buy the toddler's furnature (bed, chest drawer, and night stand) for Emily. While I was in Jean Ann's baby shower in the morning, Nikki told me that she had a spare toddler's bed for us to use for free. But we already made appointment and borrowed the truck. So we went ahead to look at the furnature on Craigslist in Fort Worth. We were a little disappointed that they were not what we expected. So we decided to get the toddler's bed from Nikki, which turned out being exactly what we wanted! Saturday night after our daily Bible reading, David suddenly realized that the check that he had wrote out for Haiti was exactly the same amount that we were supposed to pay for Emily's furnature! We thought we gave to Haiti; in the end God paid us back. We were humbled! That reminded me of so many of my experience of God's faithful provision in the past. I decide to write down each of them and post them one by one before they lapse from my memory lane.
In Emily's world, she developed a unique way to call “Mama” and “Dada”. Her voice of “Mama” is so gentle, soft and sweet while her voice of “Dada” is so strong and direct, as if those two words represent femininity and musculinity for her. She loves to mimic whatever sound we make (she can make “Meow” “Baa” “Mei” "Roar" sounds for cats, sheep, cows and lion) and she can say light, some “a-“ words (apple, airplane) and “b-“ words (baby, birdie, balloon, ball) besides grapes, shoes that she already knew. She has consciously used some sign languages she learned from the video like "milk", “eat”, “more” besides her pointing, waving, and clapping gestures. She is really a good communicator.
Here are a few pictures for this week:
(OOps ... out of focus_)

(Quickly made up for another one)

"If only I can get in that shower ... "

Here is a video of Emily signing "More, please!"
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