Meanwhile, Emily and I are still fighting with the cold we had during Christmas. Emily's molar teeth are coming out. So she had running nose and drooling mouth. I am mainly fighting with coughs. Emily loves stairs. Whenever she sees one, she would make her way toward it. I barely have enough energy to keep up with her. She was really into crawling after her 13th month birthday. Now she crawls and gets up right from where she is. That is quiet a skill that she mastered in no time! She loves to play with David, me and any people. She initiates play all the time and we love it. She shares more and more stuff with David and me. You will see her bringing us all kinds of stuff she found: the dryer lint, the paper from the floor, the Christmas decoration hanger pin, the broken ceramic chips, ... Luckily she gave all these to us instead of putting them into her mouth. Still we had an urge feeling to vacuum the whole house whenever she brings us something from the floor.
Enough has said about our baby number one. Today was a big day for us because we knew more about our second baby: yes, it's a boy! We were so excited to know that. David got really emotional when the technician pointed it out. We are so blessed!!! Both the technician and the doctor commented that our baby boy was very photogenic. I already know how Emily would love her little brother and how our little boy will turn out sweet like his daddy. Next thing on the list is to think of a boy's name and prepare for the nursery.
I didn't have a new year's resolution list this year. After being a parent, I gradually got out of the list mode. But on top of my mind, I already knew what I'm going to do and be. How about you? I pray that God will richly bless you this year and grant all your resolutions to be true!!!
1 comment:
Congrats on finding out it's a boy. We're praying for your growing family! Let me know if there's anything I can do for you
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