She tried the sippy cup for the first time. We took the valve out first and then put it back in. She blowed and spilled out at first but gradually got some water into her mouth:
Emily likes to sleep on her stomach, which surprises me because neither David nor I sleep on the stomach. So when we walk in her room if she is sleeping or just waking up, here is what comes into our eyes:
Emily is so into practicing her vocal skills these days. It was so funny to hear the tiny cute voices that she makes. Her mouth would make different “O” shapes to make those sounds. Sometimes she put her fingers into mouth to help make different sounds too.
Sunday is easier and easier for us. Last Sunday Emily got up at 6:00am and took a morning nap from 8:15am to 10:00am. She almost sat through church except a quick diaper change (I should have changed it before church). In the afternoon she slept from 1:00pm to 3:30pm. Then we went to FriendSpeak and evening service. Many people enjoyed holding her during FriendSpeak and church.
Before we went to FriendSpeak, David fed Emily a small spoon of watermelon. Emily started to cough violently and her face turned red. I thought we were going to have a choking accident. But as soon as David picked her up, she threw up on him and everything was fine again. Apparently she was not ready for the tiny piece yet. Here is a picture of her before her first ever throw-up:
Here are some produce from David’s mini garden in the backyard: peppers, tomatoes, squash, and Okra. We had first jalapeño peppers already. The birds took the first fruit of the cherry tomatoes.
Last week I mentioned that Emily likes to sniff her nose because of her congestion. Some friends thought she was just playing with her nose. She is still doing it today –
As for David and me, our week was uneventful: David got his new glasses but it needs more adjustment. Joey went back to Taiwan for summer vacation on Wednesday so David’s mornings are freed up for the next six weeks. He helped Sue to set up her computers Wednesday night and met with a friend on Thursday night. We went to the hospital to see Todd and Becca’s new baby Marshall Friday night. Saturday David cleaned the house while I spent some time with Emily. We had dinner with Heidi and Hongying Saturday night. Here is a picture of Joey and Emily:
By the way Father’s Day is next Sunday. It's funny that at work, some people spreaded rumors that Father’s Day was last Thursday (by a Morocco mommy) or last Sunday (by a Finland singleton). It was finally straightened up by an American father that it’s NEXT Sunday.
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