I stayed at home Wednesday while David read with two readers. I did the grocery shopping, laundry and cooking. Time flew by quickly.
Thursday morning was my one-hour Glucose tolerance test. I had banana and sweet bun for breakfast, fasted for two hours and took the sweet solution at 11:00am. David met with me at the hospital at 11:30am. The regular checkup looked fine. I gained 4 lbs - right on target! David and I went to the breastfeeding class at 6:30pm. We learned a lot in those 3 and half hours. We were very tired after the class.
B1 class had the Mongolia and Asian mission presentation on Friday night. We wished we could go. But we decided to stay at home. I was glad that David's headache was gone. He had so much on his shoulder everyday. A side note about Granny - she fell during the weekend and went to the hospital. Her friend brought her a birthday cake in the hospital. She's been in great pain this week. We pray that she will get better and get out of the hospital soon!
David and I had the childbirth class the whole day Saturday. The class was scheduled from 9:00am to 4:00pm. But the instructor didn't show up. As a compensation, we all got four free valet parkings and a free baby sign language class. The substitute instructor came at 9:45am. She was very good. The class covered everything about pre-labor, labor, and early days with the baby: anatomy and physiology of the birth process, pain control, birth options, cesarean birth, and a hospital tour. We were stuffed with information. Hopefully we can still remember it when the time is right. Saturday evening, David and I went to UTD to attend the Chinese new students welcome party. David's reader Mike (the president of the Chinese student association) invited David to talk about Friendspeak. Several students asked about Friendspeak afterwards. Two girls already wanted to attend the class.
We didn't visit any church this Sunday morning - this way we tried all the scenarios. We'll be back to our regular schedule next weekend. It was great to see Nikki and Cole during the service. Cole was so cute! David and I visited with Dawn and Jerrod after the service - we always enjoy visiting with them! Then we drove to SMU to pick up Rusi and her friend Xuna for Friendspeak. It was the first time for both of them to attend Friendspeak. They really enjoyed reading with their workers. After we took them back to their apartments, we had a quick dinner at BlackEyedPea's. Then we realized that we missed the Olympics closing ceremony. Well, I already fell out of the loop since I only watched 2 minutes Olympics. David did much better - he watched probably 15 minutes in total. Two UTD new students need pickup for Friendspeak next Sunday. David called around to arrange the pickup. We are actively working to setup a Friendspeak site on UTD campus and SMU campus. Hope the pickup issue will be resolved after that. I went to bed early because I was scheduled for the three-hour Glucose test - I failed the one-hour test (blame on the sweet buns and the banana!).
This morning I took the Glucose test - the solution was twice as sweet as the first time. They drew the blood from my arms four times after the drink. I did feel a little nauscious this time - my body never had so much sugar at one time before! Hopefully I'll pass the test this time. Emily really moves a lot. I feel more of her movement than her kicks now. A few days ago, I noticed the reapetative pulse like activities. It felt like a heartbeat but much slower. Normally it last for 2 or 3 minutes with 30 times per minute. I asked the doctor. He told me it's the baby hiccups!
Below is a picture of Rusi and Xuna (with Robert, Gail, and me). They just came to America two weeks ago ...
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