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Thursday, October 18, 2012

September happenings

I didn't realize that I didn't post for September ... We are having too much fun! Before I dive into October, let me make up for a short September post and save up space for the next one.

This month we got to know more about our new home. Everything is settled down. We saw some coyotes, armadillos, skunks, rabbits, and all kinds of beautiful birds; we heard owls, wild animals chasing each other with loud barking sounds in the middle of the nights; and we heard about the snakes from our neighbor; we met a few more neighbors... One morning when David and Emily were up, they saw a hot air balloon landing right outside our neighbor's backyard. They ran over with some other neighborhood kids. They all helped to pack the hot air balloon into a big sack.

We love humming birds. We were so happy to see several of them. This hummingbird was checking out our Texas Star.
Our friend Lori initiated a group project for Christmas. We signed up to make the Star of Bethlehem ornament for the Jesse's tree. We can't wait to see the rest of the ornaments made by other friends.

Dad got this recipe holder for us last year. We liked it a lot. Recently the kids found a new use for it - to hold the big picture Bible to read at the meal times. It was perfect!

Emily has been practicing writing the letters this year. Sometimes she would trace A through Z in one sitting!

We bought a bread machine a couple of weeks ago. Since then we made breads at least every other day. Sometimes it was not enough to feed us for one meal because it was so good!! You can really stuff yourself with these home made fresh and nutritious bread (our basic bread is made of organic whole wheat, wheat gluten, flax seed meal, raisins, water, almond milk, apple sauce, salt and yeast). So far I haven't successfully restrain myself from a piece of bread as soon as it's out of the oven (even when I just had breakfast or lunch). David blamed me for his over-eating because I put the bread in front of him!

You can tell our kids love food. Andy especially loves all the bread, pasta/noodles, and rice/grains. No matter how Emily told him "the vegetable is good for his tummy" and how yummy the vegetable was, he seldom took a chance.

The kids are practicing chopsticks at a Chinese restaurant.

Halloween is coming, we see fall decorations everywhere we go. At the same time, we can't avoid some scary skeletons and ghosts figures. Andy is at the age of being scared of these. Even at Walmart, when we walked by the section that had Santa and Re-indeers, he covered his eyes with both hands. Emily saw that. She began to tell Andy: "Andy, you don't need to be scared of these. They are just Santa and Re-indeers! If you are scared, you can talk to Jesus. God is in Walmart with us. So you don't need to be scared ..." She talked on and on all the way to our car. Andy listened. He only had one word: "Oh."

Emily and Andy really enjoy playing together. They always keep an eye on each other. One Sunday at Church kids zone, Andy had an accident because he ate too much watermelon at lunch. I had to take him out of the class to change. After we went back to the class, Emily ran to us and sobbed uncontrollably. Her teacher said she broke down short after Andy left the class and she said she missed Andy terribly! That night in bed she told David that she wanted to talk. She told him how she missed Andy and began to cry and she couldn't stop it. We can tell in many occassions that Emily and Andy prefer staying together. They feel safe with each other and they really have fun. We hope they will stay best friends forever!!!



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