Emily had a great Thanksgiving at school. She did so many Thanksgiving crafts and participated in cooking the Thanksgiving feast. She learned the super turkey song and a couple of Spanish songs. We all enjoyed the food together.
We also attended Prestoncrest International Thanksgiving dinner and Highland Oaks Friendspeak Thanksgiving dinner. We had a wonderful fellowship time with some new people we met.
Amy's family and Dad came in for Thanksgiving. We had a big meal and lots of family time. Emily and Andy especially enjoyed having everyone at our house.
I really enjoyed seeing family and cooking, establishing a couple of new traditions with Emily when I had a moment. At the same time, I realized how easy it is to miss Thanksgiving in heart without pausing and giving Thanks among all the busyness. So on Black Friday when everyone went out for shopping and Andy took a nap, I decided to have a little of me-time to cultivate a Thankful mind. Then I saw this Thanksgiving prayer from a mother, which beautifully spoke to my heart:
Dearest Lord,
Tonight I walked past the girls’ room. My hands were filled high with the fifth load of laundry and I was going through the mental checklist to prepare for our trip. A heavy sigh from their room forced my head back. I set the overflowing laundry basket down and smiled. You were wise to make children look so angelic when they sleep. Even on the most trying of days you right my mommy emotions when I look in and see those sweet, still, precious faces.
Sometimes I am guilty of wishing my kids to be robots. I want them to wake when I am ready. I wish for them to run on my time and listen the first time every time. When eight PM hits I want them to fall asleep instantly. Power off.
But these are children. They are ambitious, eager little people excited about ME because you created them that way. And I am head over heels in love with them. We prayed for years. You answered in your time. And sometimes I take that gift for granted.
I want to correct my attitude, Lord. When the pitter patter of little feet wake me with the morning sun, may I welcome their enthusiasm for the new day opens the door for new memories to be made. Once we start playing house, may I cherish the imaginative play because the words that come from her mouth reflect life as she sees it and situations that she dreams for.
And, when we’ve transitioned to duck/duck/goose for the 100th time, may I give You praise as I jog myself to the point of dizziness because it means I have healthy children able to run.
God, as soon as the clock says it’s time to get out the door for school, church, and activities and they are still working to zip up the coats, pull on the mittens, and adjust their hats help me resist the “hurry up” and instead take mental snapshots of the little fingers working their way to independence.
When they are helping me to prepare the food, do laundry, set the table, and clean, may I let go of speed to nurture the homemaker skills You placed within her. During those chats that the children ask “why?” for the millionth time, Lord, may I take joy in the fact that my children want to learn. And, when the questions grow deeper may I give them the time they need to fully understand all they are seeking to grasp.
Even when conversations grow challenging, when ethical and moral discussions spring forth, or (Lord help me) when defiance ensues, may I remember that I’m fortunate they are talking to me. It provides opportunity to speak Your truth in love and influence them so that they’ll stand for you. And, at the end of the day, when they fight going to sleep and giggle themselves into
oblivion, may I soak it all in because it means they are happy.
Lord, it is the desire of my heart to stay in the moment. I don’t want the stuff of life to blind my perspective because I can’t get today’s minutes back. In the midst of all the joys and challenges I experience in each phase of parenting may I lean in deeper on You. I know that in doing so I will prioritize, act, and speak as you want me to so that I will win their hearts and reflect Your face to these incredible children. Thank you for choosing me to be their mommy.
I don't know what it did for you. But my heart was lifted instantly after reading this prayer. I AM THANKFUL!
Here are a few pictures during November:
The kids helped me to build the Gratitude Tree. I asked Emily what she was thankful for. Without any thinking or prompting, her answer came straight out of her mouth: "No.1 is God; No.2 is Daddy;" When I asked for more options, she added No.3 Mrs. Gayla and No.4 blanket. Only David and I knew how true her answers were and how much each of them means to her!
You can tell how much the kids love to play with the leaves
A little Indian
Emily at Thanksgiving feast at school

Emily helped me to setup the Thanksgiving meal table
Thanksgiving meal
1 comment:
What fun pictures. I love all of the activities you did with leaves, Wendy!
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