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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Counting Down Days

Last week, after we put Emily into the nursery for three nights, she got a bad cold. Her teacher (a volunteer who normally doesn't work in the nursery) liked Emily very much and told us that she was the sweetest girl. The last night when we picked her up, we saw her eating cookies that her teacher gave her. We appreciated the teacher for loving her. Then we began to worry that after playing with so many toys that other kids played with, it wasn't the safest thing to do. Up to today, Emily is still fighting with the cold. David and I walked on the eggshell trying not to be sick during the last couple of weeks before Andy comes.

This is our sick princess blowing bubbles with her nose

Gayla has been a great help and blessing for us. She babysat Emily every time when I had a doctor's appointment. Last week after the appointment, we went out for my birthday lunch (do you just love the birthday that lasts for a month?!). Then we did shopping together at Costco to stock up things.

Can you tell that Emily absolutely loves Gayla?

To make Emily feel better, I asked our friend Angela where to see the blue bonnets. I was surprised to know that it's just right near our house less than ten minutes away. So here we went.

JCPenny's blue bonnets field

Emily was so excited to see those beautiful flowers. She was also very brave to try to touch the bees. There were lots of bees in the flowers. So we didn't stay long in case being stung by one of them.

During the weekend, right before we left to run the errands, we saw a group of cuties walking right across our front yard. Emily screamed and followed them for a long way.

Oh, one more thing about Emily: she is getting so tall now that she can reach anything close to the edge of the kitchen counter or dining table. She broke one bowl and one glass already. Look, I'll just spread her snacks on the highchair. She can take care of the rest of it.
Our time seems to be running out quickly. Today the doctor told us that the baby is very low and the cervix is about 2 cm dilated already. We set up Andy's nursery and washed everything that he may use for the first couple of weeks. I also made dozens of dumplings to stock up. We just pray that God will keep us healthy for the last couple of weeks and bless us with a smooth delivery and a healthy baby.

1 comment:

Lori said...

How exciting! We are praying for a safe delivery for you and Andy