We went to the first service on Sunday. David and I drove separate cars because he went to SMU to pick up Terry to go to church with us. It was the first time for Terry to go to church. He liked the sermon and enjoyed the singing very much. David took him to the Searcher's class before they came home. We ordered some Chinese dishes for lunch. Then David and Terry rented a truck to pick up the dining furnature that Terry bought. David came home to take a shower. It was time for FriendSpeak and church again. While David was reading with Victor, I took Emily to look at the VBS decoration at church. Emily enjoyed touching the bubbles, inflated tire, butterflies, ropes, etc. They really did a wonderful job decorating. I can't wait for Emily to go to VBS in the future! Amy and Kendall headed back to Austin after they visited Kendall's parents' church.
Emily is 9 months old now! She got A+ again from her doctor at 9-month checkup. Her height is 29.8 in. (off the chart again) and her weight is 19.9 lb (75%). David said he was going to buy a basketball for Emily's 1st Birthday since he thought Emily was going to be a basketball player.
Here are some pictures of the week:
Emily's third tooth just came out. It's on the top. Now when she is a little fussy, we have to guess: is it toothpain, is she bored, or is she hungry/thirsty, ... so many variables!
Emily had a new toy - Chicco walker. She liked pulling the ladybug to hear the music and holding on the toy to walk. Emily loves standing and walking. Her face can turn from cloudy to sunny instantly when she stands up with our support. We suspect she might walk before she crawls.
David made the thinnest-crust pizza last week using tortilla bread, brussle sprouts, spinach, tomatoes and cheese - Hmmm, yummy!
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