Emily's new development this week is waving bye bye. She first waved with us when we saw Dad and Linda off on Friday. Then she waved several times during the weekend. Our Frienspeak readers loved it when she waved at them when they left the room. Emily is also obsessed by walking and standing with our help. She can't quite use the pushing toy independantly yet. But she loves to hold our hands and walk over and over until we are worn out. She definitely slept more these days with all the exercise she had. She also started humming, clapping, and rocking along with the music. Her favorite words are still "mama" (which happens to be Chinese "Mom") "dada" "baba" (which happens to be Chinese "Dad") "yeye" (which happens to be Chinese "Grandpa") "yaya" ...
(Cruising in her crib)

Dad and Linda stopped by Friday for lunch on their way to Austin. We had hamburgers for lunch. Emily so enjoyed their visit. David got several really sweet pictures of her with Grandpa and Linda. Friday night we went to pick up some magazines that I bought for Emily -"BabyBug". I can't wait to read them with Emily later.
(Laughing with Linda and Grandpa)
(Forehead kisses with Grandpa)

(Momentarily sitting between walks)
(Daddy put double clips on Emily)

We met with David's cousin Gregg's family for lunch on Saturday. It was great to catch up with them. Emily enjoyed playing with everybody too.

Dad and Linda came in late Saturday. We had ribs for dinner and played with Emily for the rest of the evening. Emily was so excited to play with so many people. She loved having grandpa and Linda with us. David and I loved it too. 
We drove separate cars for church on Sunday again because David had to teach the Single Purpose class. I took Emily home to take a nap after the first service. David came home after the class. He really enjoyed teaching the class on "baptizing into the red sea". I wish Emily and I could listen to his teaching.
Ray and Olivia brought Stephen to FriendSpeak Sunday afternoon. It was the first time for us to see them after Stephen was born in April. He is a big boy and has a sweet disposition. Emily played with Gail and other people. She was so sleepy in the end but she managed not to fall asleep until we came home and got ready for bed.
(Emily and Gail)

Here is a prayer that Gail forwarded to me this week:
My Sweet Baby (pray for your babies) by Charla Aldous
My Sweet Baby -a loan from above.
No better treasure
Could I have more love.
Standing here beside you,
But as I pray,I lay my hand on your head and I say....
"May you grow up to serve Him all of your days.
May He lead you and guide you in all of your ways.
May His Hand bless your future with friendships that last.
May you cherish your youth and not grow up too fast.
I stare in wonder at your tiny frame.
Just to think that God knows you by name!
He knows every hair on your beautiful head.
He knows all your thoughts before they are said."
"May God grant you peace in the midst of a storm.
May God give you strength even when you're forelorn.
May you answer the door when Jesus comes knocking.
May wisdom guide you when your mouth is talking.
May discretion protect you and keep you pure.
May you never stumble or fall before the Lord.
May your heart remain humble to the very end.
May uprightness and truth be what you defend.
May the world not ensnare or change who you are.and
May the light that's within you shine like the stars.
May angels surround you - body spirit mind;
May favor and peace be yours to find.
May rejection and pain never reach you.
May your spirit grow old for what you're called to."
As you rest in God's careI will rest, too.
Knowing that Jesus is watching over you.
In Jesus Name, Amen