Friday night, we met up with Fang, Fred, their kiddos, and Fang’s parents for dinner at CiCi’s. Emily watched us eating for the whole time. Fang’s parents loved seeing her smiles and gigglings. Saturday morning I went out to run an early errand while Emily and David were still sleeping (David didn’t sleep well because of the soda drink he had at Cici’s Friday night). I went into Emily’s room and saw that she was sleeping across her bed – she must have had some gymnastics in her dream! I took a picture of it before I left and put the monitor at David’s bedside so that he would hear Emily if she was awake. After I came back at 9:15am, I was surprised that both of them were still sleeping. Emily normally gets up at 7ish. I waited for another 15 minutes before I went into Emily’s room to check on her. To my surprise, she was playing with her fingers and toes in the bed, still across the bed. I had no idea when she actually woke up since she didn’t make any noise all this time. She was so kind to daddy so that he could sleep till whenever he wanted!
Emily not only does gymnastics in her bed. She did that in the swing and on the sofa too! One day I put her down on her back on the sofa lounge and ran to her room to get an outfit for her. When I came back, I saw her hanging in the air with only her arms and head over the lounge! I asked David to get her when I ran to get the camera myself. But before I could press down the camera, David caught her in the air! Whew!!! For a few days she liked scooting down while she was held on our laps.
Saturday we visited our friends Kathy and Li. They just had their first baby Mike last Friday. We had a nice visit with them and their parents. They (Kathy and Li, Kathy’s parents and Li’s parents) took turns to hold Emily. They really liked her a lot. Sunday we had lunch at Jerry’s parents’ restaurant because Jerry’s mom wanted some Emily’s pictures to put in her wallet. Jerry’s mom took Emily back to the kitchen. All of them just loved her. David and I didn’t get to hold her much. When she was a little hungry, the waitress Cindy took over Emily and began to feed her. Jerry's parents watched her doing that. I felt like their restaurant business would suffer if we eat there too often!
When David was doing Friendspeak, I stayed in the car hoping that Emily would take a nap. But she was too excited to sleep. She played with the burping cloth and laughed every time she looked at me. She laughed almost every minute for 15 minues. Silly girl! I didn’t know why she was so happy. Maybe it’s because of her discovery that her laughter actually could bring me to laugh every time. She just giggled herself to sweat. Finally I gave up on the idea of napping and took her to see David. We met up with Ted and Mary for dinner afterwards. Emily laughed all the way home. It was great to end a week with catching up with friends!
Joey comes to our house for Friendspeak every morning. He loves Emily and Emily loves him. Here is a picture of them:
Emily sleeping after gymnastics:
Emily loves bath time:
Hey Wendy and David, Problems getting an email to David today. Cc'ed it to Wendy's address. Both bounced back as undeliverable...
Hi Eileen,
I got the email and forwarded it to David. Hope he had chance to read and respond it to you.
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