Emily started to suck her fingers, especially her index finger. I'm not sure whether this is the phase that all babies go through, or just because Emily didn't have a pacifier. Sometime the sucking sound was so loud that we could hear it in the dining room while she was in our bedroom. On 21st at around 3:40pm, Emily was playing with the nipple of the bottle. I laughed at her. She laughed back! It scared me at first since I didn't expect that. I laughed again (just to make sure) and she laughed back again! That was the first time she laughed. She also learned to use her hands to push the bottle away when she was full. Sunday after church, I tried to clip her finger nail. Just when I was proud of myself that I hadn't cut her skin yet, I suddenly heard a cry - I cut Emily's index finger! This week David and I had our first anniversary. We celebrated the most wonderful year of our life together. Here are a few fun pictures of Emily:
(More pics are at
http://www.kodakgallery.com/ShareLanding.action?c=qu0dq1t.76h9lmx5&x=0&y=e6h3q2&localeid=en_US )

"Parents are gardeners - planting the seeds of faith, truth, and love that develop into the fairest flowers of character, virtue, and happiness in the lives of their children." - J. Harold Gwnne, author
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